UPPSC Pre Recruitment Online Form 2023

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)

UPPSC Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Examination 2023

UPPSC Pre Recruitment Online Form 2023: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released the Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Examination 2023 recruitment advertisement for various 173 posts. Those candidates who are interested in this UPPSC recruitment can apply online from 03 March 2023 to 03 April 2023. Read the Advt No. : A-1/E-1/2023, 03/03/2023 Short Details of Notification for recruitment eligibility, post information, selection procedure, age limit, pay scale, and all other information of UPPSC Pre Recruitment.

Important Dates

  • Application Begin : 03/03/2023
  • Last Date for Apply Online : 03/04/2023
  • Pay Exam Fee Last Date : 03/04/2023
  • Last Date Completed Form : 06/04/2023
  • Pre Exam Date : As per Schedule
  • Admit Card Available : Before Exam

Application Fee

  • General / OBC : 125/-
  • SC / ST  : 65/-
  • PH Candidates : 25/-
  • Pay the Exam Fee Through SBI Mops Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking or SBI E Challan Mode Only

UPPSC Pre Recruitment Age Limit as on 01/07/2023

  • Minimum Age : 21 Years
  • Maximum Age : 40 Years
  • Age Relaxation Extra as per UPPSC Combined State / Upper Subordinate Exam 2023 Notification Rules

UPPSC Combined Upper Subordinate Recruitment Vacancy Details Total : 173 Post

UPPSC Pre Recruitment Online Form 2023 1
Post NameTotal PostUPPSC Pre Eligibility
Combined Upper Subordinate Services UPPSC Pre 2023173Bachelor Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.More Detail Read the Notification.

लिखित परीक्षा एवं साक्षात्कार के माध्यम से विशिष्ट अर्हता के पद

क्र.सं. पदनामअर्हताएं
1उपनिबन्धकविधि स्नातक
2सहायक श्रमायुक्तअर्थशास्त्र/समाज शास्त्र/वाणिज्य/विधि/श्रम संबंध/श्रम कल्याण/श्रम विधि/समाज कार्य/समाज कल्याण/ व्यापार प्रबंधन/ कार्मिक प्रबंधन में परास्नातक उपाधि।
3सहायक नियंत्रक, विधिक माप विज्ञान ग्रेड-2(1) (क) भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय से, या (ख) विश्वविद्यालय से भिन्न किसी संस्था से जिसे किसी विधि के अधीन विश्वविद्यालय की मान्यता प्राप्त से या घोषित किया गया हो, या (ग) केन्द्रीय सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त किसी विदेशी विश्वविद्यालय से एक विषय के रूप में भौतिकी या यांत्रिक अभियंत्रण सहित विज्ञान में उपाधि, और (2) देवनागरी लिपि में लिखित हिन्दी का कार्यकारी ज्ञान।

केवल लिखित परीक्षा के माध्यम से विशिष्ट अर्हता के पद

4विधि अधिकारी(1) भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय से विधि में स्नातक की उपाधि। (2) सम्बन्धित विधिज्ञ परिषद या भारतीय विधिज्ञ परिषद द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त सम्बद्ध विधिज्ञ संघ (बार एसोसिएशन) में पंजीकरण और विधिज्ञ परिषद/विधिज्ञ संघ द्वारा निर्गत/प्रमाणित दो वर्षीय अनुभव प्रामाण पत्र।
5प्राविधिक सहायक (भूतत्व)(1) अनिवार्य अर्हताः- भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय से कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंकों के साथ भूगर्भशास्त्र या प्रयोगिक भूगर्भशास्त्र में स्नातकोत्तर उपाधि, या इण्डियन स्कूल ऑफ़ माइन्स एण्ड एप्लायड जियोलोजी, धनबाद से प्रयोगिक भूगर्भशास्त्र में डिप्लोमा। (2) अधिमानी अर्हताः- शोध अनुभव या भारतीय भू-वैज्ञानिक सर्वेक्षण द्वारा संचालित क्षेत्र प्रशिक्षण।
6प्राविधिक सहायक (भू-भौतिकी)  भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय से भू-भौतिकी, प्रायोगिक भू-भौतिकी, भूगर्भशास्त्र या प्रायोगिक भूगर्भशास्त्र में कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंको के साथ स्नात्कोत्तर उपाधि (बी.एस.सी. स्तर पर भौतिक शास्त्र, गणित के साथ)।
7कर निर्धारण अधिकारी55 प्रतिशत अंको सहित कामर्स अथवा अर्थशास्त्र में स्नातक उपाधि।

UPPSC Pre Recruitment Post Wise Eligibility Details

Sr NoPost NameUPPSC Pre Post Wise Eligibility 2023
1Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer (Transport)Bachelor Degree in Law
2District Basik Shiksha Adhikari / Associate DIOS and Other equivalent administrative posts, District Administrative OfficerMaster Degree  in Any Stream.
3District Audit Officer (Revenue Audit)Bachelor Degree in Commerce B.Com in Any Recognized University in India.
4Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I) /  (Grade-II)Bachelor Degree in Science with Physics OR Mechanical Engineering. As one subject.
5Senior Lecturer, DIETMaster Degree with B.Ed.
6ChemistMaster Degree M.Sc in Organic Chemistry with 3 Year Experience.
7Officer on Special Duty ComputerComputer Engineering Degree OR First Class Master Degree with PG Diploma in Computer and 1 Year Experience.
8District Cane Officer, U.P. Agriculture Service Group “B” (Development Branch)Bachelor Degree in Agriculture
9Labour Enforcement OfficerBachelor degree with Economics OR Sociology or commerce and Post Graduate Diploma OR Post graduate Degree in Law / Labour relation / Labor welfare / Labor Law / Commerce / Sociology / Social work / Social welfare / Trade Management / Personnel Management.
10Management Officer / Manager Estate DepartmentBachelor Degree with Economics OR Sociology OR Commerce and PG Diploma OR PG Degree in Law / Labour Relation / Labour Welfare / Labour Law / Commerce / Sociology / Scoial Work / Social Welfare / Trade Management / Personnel Management.
11Technical Assistant GeophysicsMaster Degree with 50% Marks Geophysics, Applied Geophysics, Geology or applied Geology (with Physics, Mathematics at the B.Sc. Level.
12Tax Assessment OfficerBachelor Degree in Economics OR Commerce with 55% Marks.


The competitive examination for the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination, 202 comprise three successive stages viz:-

1- Preliminary Examination (Objective Type & Multiple choice).

2- Main Examination (Conventional Type, i.e. Written examination).

3- Viva- Voce (Personality Test).

UPPSC Syllabus 2023

The UPPSC PCS Exam comprises three stages and every stage has its own significance. UPPSC Syllabus 2023 is released along with the UPPSC Notification 2023 by the commission on its official website. The First 2 stages of the UPPCS exam have a detailed syllabus which is covered in this article below.

Stage 1Prelims Exam2 Papers (Objective Type)
Stage 2Mains Exam8 GS papers (Descriptive/Conventional Type)
Stage 3InterviewPersonality Test

Note: UPPSC has removed the optional papers from the UPPSC Mains Exam 2023 and in its place, it has added two General Studies Papers.

UPPSC Prelims Syllabus General Studies Paper 1

Here we will discuss the detailed topic-wise UPPSC Syllabus 2023 for UPPCS Prelims Exam:

  • Current events of National and International Importance: Candidates must be knowledgeable about current events of National and International importance.
  • Ancient, Mediaeval, and modern Indian History: A comprehensive study of the social, economic, and political facets of Indian history should be emphasised in history classes. Candidates in the Indian National Movement should have a broad understanding of the nature and characteristics of the liberation movement, the rise of nationalism, and the achievement of independence.
  • Indian and World Geography: The physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world are covered in Indian and world geography. Only a basic understanding of the subject will be enough for World Geography. The physical, social, and economic geography of India will all be addressed in questions on Indian geography.
  • Indian Governance and Polity: It includes specifics about Indian politics, the economy, and culture. Questions will test your understanding of the political system, which includes Panchayati Raj and community development, as well as the broad strokes of Indian economic policy and Indian culture. The political system, constitution, public policy, Panchayati raj, rights issues, etc.
  • Social and Economic Development: Sustainable Development in Social and Economic Terms Demographics, social sector initiatives, poverty inclusion, etc.
  • Biodiversity, Environmental Ecology, and Climate Change: It includes general topics of the environment and ecology that do not require any subject or topic specialization. The issues and connections between population, environment, and urbanisation will be the focus of the questions.

UPPSC Prelims CSAT Syllabus Paper 2

  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills (including communication skills)
  • Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • General Mental Ability
  • Elementary Mathematics (class X level – Algebra, Statistics, Geometry and Arithmetic):
  • General English (Class X level)
  • General Hindi (Class X level)

UPPSC PCS Mains Syllabus

There are eight papers in the UPPSC Mains Examination. The final decision about selection is made based on the results of the UPPSC PCS main exam.

  • Paper I: General Hindi (150 Marks)
  • Paper II: Essay (150 Marks)
  • Paper III: General Studies I (200 Marks)
  • Paper IV: General Studies II (200 Marks)
  • Paper V: General Studies III (200 Marks)
  • Paper VI: General Studies IV (200 Marks)
  • Paper VII: General Studies V (200 Marks)
  • Paper VIII: General Studies VI (200 Marks)

How to Fill UPPSC Pre-Recruitment 2023

  • Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission UUPPSC Pre Recruitment 2023 . Candidate Can Apply Between 03 March 2023 to 03 April 2023
  • Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in UPPSC Apply Online for Pre 2023.
  • Kindly Check and College the All Document – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
  • Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
  • Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
  • Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
UPPSC Application Form 2023 KAISE KAREN | How to fill UPPSC ONLINE FORM 2023? UP PSC FORM 2023

Some Useful Important Links

Apply OnlineClick Here
Download NotificationHindi| English
For UPPSC OTR 2023 RegistrationClick Here
Join Our Telegram PageClick Here
UPPSC Official WebsiteClick Here

दोस्तों यदि आपका को प्रश्न है,तो जरूर हमें कमेंट करे और राय दे, और हमें जल्द से जल्द पाने के लिए टेलीग्राम को ज्वाइन करे.

दोस्तों, किसी परीक्षा में सफल होने के लिए सामान्य अध्ययन की अहम् भूमिका होती होती है, इसके लिए हमे नोट्स तैयार किया है जो की चैप्टर के अनुसार है, आप को कम में पूरा सामान्य अध्ययन का नोट्स दिया है, उसके लिए आप  Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Indian Constitution, Indian Economics, Geography, Physics, Biology, Agriculture के बारे में सही से नोट्स उपलब्ध कराया गया है, इसे पढ़े और पानी राय जरूर दें.

What is UPPSC Syllabus for Prelims?

UPPSC Prelims Syllabus consists of two papers, General Studies, and UPPCS CSAT. Both papers are objective in nature and align with the UPSC Syllabus. The UPPSC syllabus for Pre includes questions on current affairs, Geography, Polity, General Science, Comprehension, Elementary Mathematics, General English, General English, etc. 

What is the syllabus for UPPSC?

UPPSC Syllabus is comprehensive that includes General Hindi, Essays, History, Geography, Environment, Science, Ethics, Economics, Polity, Social Issues, Security, State GK and Current based events.

Is the syllabus of UPPSC and UPSC the same?

The newly released UPPSC Syllabus was modelled after the UPSC Syllabus. So, yes more or less UPPSC and UPSC syllabi are the same excluding State GK & State-related history, geography, economy etc.

What is UPPSC salary?

The salary for the Junior scale is Rs. 9300-34800 and for the Senior scale, it is Rs. 15600-39100.


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