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O Level Syllabus Paper (3): Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) and its Applications

Introduction of Internet of Things(IoT) and its

The module is designed to equip the students to understand the basics of a connected world that is Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications. IoT primarily refers to the connected and smarter world having physical and virtual objects with some unique identities. IoT applications spans across domains of industrial control, retail, energy, agriculture, etc. According to experts forecast, IoT ecosystem will have 50 billion devices/things by 2020. This module provides the theoretical and practical aspects of interfacing sensors and actuators, making an informed world of Things speaking to each other. The different type of communication modes and models are discussed in detail. The in-depth knowledge of software and packages is provided to make applications in IoT paradigm.

O Level – Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) and its
Applications_ Objective

After completion of the module, the learner will be able to

  • Understand how connected devices work together to update other applications
  • Acquire knowledge to interface sensors and actuator with microcontroller based Arduino platform
  •  Writing C programs in Arduino IDE
  • Understand the Communication between microcontroller and PC using serial communication
  •  Build IoT based applications and understand how data flows between things
  • Understand how electronic devices control electrical appliances working at 220v AC
  •  Understand the security aspect of IoT devices
  • Enhance skill set towards better personality development

Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) and its Applications Marks Distribution

Marks Distribution Module Unit Written Marks (Max.)
Introduction to IoT – applications/devices,
protocols, communication model
Things and Connections 10
. Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers 15
Building IoT applications 40
Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem 05
Soft skills-Personality Development 20
Total 100

O Level Syllabus Paper –

Unit (i): Introduction to Internet of Things – applications/devices,
protocols, communication model

Introduction – Overview of Internet of Things(IoT), the characteristics of devices and applications in IoT ecosystem, building blocks of IoT, Various technologies making up IoT ecosystem, IoT levels, IoT design methodology, The Physical Design/Logical Design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT and Communication Models.

Unit (ii): Things and Connections

Working of Controlled Systems, Real-time systems with feedback loop e.g. thermostat in refrigrator, AC, etc. Connectivity models – TCPIP versus OSI model, different type of modes using wired and wireless methodology, The process flow of an IoT application.

Unit (iii): Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers

Sensor – Measuring physical quantities in digital world e.g. light sensor, moisture sensor, temperature sensor, etc.
Actuator – moving or controlling system e.g. DC motor, different type of actuators
Controller – Role of microcontroller as gateway to interfacing sensors and actuators, microcontroller vs microprocessor, different type of microcontrollers in embedded ecosystem.

Unit: (iv) Building IoT applications

Introduction to Arduino IDE – writing code in sketch, compiling-debugging, uploading the file to Arduino board, role of serial monitor.
Embedded ‘C’ Language basics – Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types, Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, assignment.
Conditional Statements and Loops – Decision making using Relational Operators, Logical Connectives – conditions, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop, Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement.
Arrays – Declaring and manipulating single dimension arrays
Functions – Standard Library of C functions in Arduino IDE, Prototype of a function: Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call.
Interfacing sensors – The working of digital versus analog pins in Arduino platform, interfacing LED, Button, Sensors-DHT, LDR, MQ135. Display the data on Liquid Crystal Display(LCD), interfacing keypad Serial communication – interfacing HC-05(Bluetooth module) Control/handle 220v AC supply – interfacing relay module.

Unit: (v) Security and Future of IoT ecosystem

Need of security in IoT – Why Security? Privacy for IoT enabled devices- IoT security for consumer devices- Security levels, protecting IoT devices Future IoT eco system – Need of power full core for building secure algorithms, Examples for new trends – AI, ML penetration to IoT

Unit: (vi) Soft skills-Personality Development

Personality Development – Determinants of Personality- self-awareness, motivation, self-discipline, etc., building a positive personality, gestures.
Self-esteem – self-efficacy, self-motivation, time management, stress management, Etiquettes & manners.
Communication and writing skills- objective, attributes, and categories of
communication, Writing Skills – Resume, Letters, Report, Presentation, etc. Interview skills and body language.


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